Outsourcing in Cambodia

Outsourcing in Cambodia: A Growing Trend

Cambodia has emerged as a promising destination for outsourcing in recent years. The country offers a compelling combination of factors that make it attractive for businesses seeking to outsource their operations:

1. Cost-Effectiveness: Compared to developed countries, Cambodia boasts significantly lower labor costs. This translates to significant savings for businesses looking to outsource tasks like customer service, data entry, and software development.

2. Young and Talented Workforce: Cambodia has a young population, with a median age of 27. This translates to a large pool of available workers who are eager to learn and adapt to new technologies. Additionally, the government is investing heavily in education and training programs, further enhancing the skillset of the workforce.

3. Government Support: The Cambodian government actively encourages foreign investment and has implemented policies to facilitate the growth of the outsourcing industry. This includes tax breaks for businesses operating in special economic zones and assistance with setting up operations.

4. Improved Infrastructure: Cambodia has made significant strides in developing its infrastructure in recent years. This includes improvements to transportation networks, telecommunications, and energy grids, making it easier for businesses to operate efficiently.

5. Cultural Affinity: Cambodia has a strong cultural affinity with neighboring countries like Thailand and Vietnam, which are already established outsourcing destinations. This shared culture helps to bridge the gap between businesses and their Cambodian employees, leading to smoother communication and collaboration.

Types of Outsourcing in Cambodia:

  • Information Technology (IT) Outsourcing: This includes software development, web development, data entry, and IT support.
  • Business Process Outsourcing (BPO): This includes customer service, call center operations, and accounting services.
  • Manufacturing: Cambodia has a growing manufacturing sector, particularly in the garment and electronics industries.
  • Professional Services: This includes legal services, accounting services, and engineering services.

Challenges to Consider:

  • Language Barrier: While English proficiency is improving in Cambodia, it remains a challenge for some businesses.
  • Limited Pool of Highly Skilled Workers: The pool of highly skilled workers in Cambodia is still relatively small. However, the government and private sector are investing in education and training programs to address this issue.
  • Infrastructure Challenges: While infrastructure has improved significantly, some challenges remain, particularly in rural areas.
  • Political and Legal Environment: While Cambodia has made strides in improving its political and legal environment, some uncertainties remain.


Overall, Cambodia offers a compelling value proposition for businesses looking to outsource their operations. With its combination of cost-effectiveness, a young and talented workforce, government support, and improved infrastructure, Cambodia is well-positioned to become a major player in the global outsourcing market. For further insights on identifying the ideal outsourcing partner for your business, you can find more information here.